my goal was to play 365 sets of tennis in a year AND I DID IT!!!!!

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Playing With A High Net?

Sets 110-111 (of 365):

Stuart vs. R. at Northwest Park. Winner: Stuart 6-2, 6-0.

My Mojo: Average

We played on the third court at Northwest Park, and the thing that holds the center of the net down seemed to be pulled out of the ground, so the net may have been a little high. My opponent seemed agitated by this though I didn't even notice it until he brought it to my attention. I figure I just play with whatever conditions are there; if the net is seven feet high, then I'll figure out a way to serve, and at least we have equal disadvantages. Well, seven feet high is probably an exaggeration, but I have dealt with much crappier courts. So the net was probably a couple of inches high, and all of the other courts were taken the who time we were playing, which is unusual.

So neither of us really blasted our serves in. Maybe it was psychological for me once he had brought it up, but my serves didn't seem to do what I wanted when I put power on them, so I quit trying to power serve. Still, it was a good exercise for me, because it meant that the game almost completely was dependent on ground strokes. R. told me later that he usually tried to set the tone with his serves, and it really threw his game off not being able to rely on his usual serve. I felt like my serve was reliably in for the most part, but still felt a little bit of the unfocused game that I have been feeling the last few days. It didn't seem as bad during this match, though. I did notice that I was hitting a lot of shots long, but my errors didn't seem too bad.

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