my goal was to play 365 sets of tennis in a year AND I DID IT!!!!!

Click on My Jukebox to listen to some of the music I have written

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What A Difference

What a difference a day makes.  Yesterday I felt like warmed-over crap.  But today I felt pretty energetic and vital while I was playing.

I think yesterday I mostly got dehydrated and tired...I wasn't paying attention to my fluid intake and it just got too low.  I was too zoided out to even concentrate on drinking water last night, though I did drink some before bed.  But today I drank a ton of water all day.  I was still feeling pretty cruddy most of the day, but I drank more water, and drank more water.  I think I was still not feeling so great about an hour before I went to play, but I revived right before I left.

Today I was hitting well, I was anticipating shots nicely, and things felt pretty good all around.  Quite a contrast from yesterday where my psyche was like fingernails dragged across a chalkboard and my mood was bleak.  Still, I did lose one round of Australian doubles (two against one) where I played with a partner against a guy who was really on top of his game.  I also technically lost the first round I played 1-3, but nobody was ready to switch so we ended up playing more and were up 4-3 when we stopped, so I don't know if that can be counted as a win too.  But who cares.  It was just having fun and getting exercise.  Sometimes it's easy to lose that aspect of it and just get too competitive and tense.  But the best way to experience playing tennis is from the vantage point of just being out there to have fun and hang out with people.

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